Monday, May 5, 2014

I've fallen and I can't get up!

got pain?We've all done that... hurt ourselves. Broken bones, twisted ankle, overused a muscle or two. New studies suggest that the old method of treating soft tissue injuries, R.I.C.E. is not all that effective in the healing process.
Have you ever wondered why, after surgery, the hospital is shooing you out the door? It's not because you're a lousy patient (usually); it's because the sooner you get moving, the quicker you heal. Yes, it hurts; yes, it's uncomfortable, but so long as the pain isn't debilitating, you should start moving asap. That gets the affected joints moving, gets blood and oxygen to the affected area faster, which quickens the healing process.
But LINDA! My ankle has swollen to the size of a basketball and I can't put any weight on it!
This is where part of r.i.c.e. can work~
Those critical initial hours, when the trauma is most intense, is when you alternate between ice and heat. Don't just use ice; it's not as effective. Try ice for 10 minutes, heat for 10 minutes, for maybe an hour or so. Do this the first day, and if the pain starts subsiding, try moving around a little. You have to listen to the injury.
The rest of r.i.c.e.? The compression? Don't. The elevate? Don't. A few hours of a little more hurt will pay off in the speed of your recovery.
Now these are general guidelines! We're all unique, and our injuries are unique. If the injury is bad, get to your doctor! Don't be a martyr to your pain.
Stay well~

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