Monday, May 5, 2014

I've fallen and I can't get up!

got pain?We've all done that... hurt ourselves. Broken bones, twisted ankle, overused a muscle or two. New studies suggest that the old method of treating soft tissue injuries, R.I.C.E. is not all that effective in the healing process.
Have you ever wondered why, after surgery, the hospital is shooing you out the door? It's not because you're a lousy patient (usually); it's because the sooner you get moving, the quicker you heal. Yes, it hurts; yes, it's uncomfortable, but so long as the pain isn't debilitating, you should start moving asap. That gets the affected joints moving, gets blood and oxygen to the affected area faster, which quickens the healing process.
But LINDA! My ankle has swollen to the size of a basketball and I can't put any weight on it!
This is where part of r.i.c.e. can work~
Those critical initial hours, when the trauma is most intense, is when you alternate between ice and heat. Don't just use ice; it's not as effective. Try ice for 10 minutes, heat for 10 minutes, for maybe an hour or so. Do this the first day, and if the pain starts subsiding, try moving around a little. You have to listen to the injury.
The rest of r.i.c.e.? The compression? Don't. The elevate? Don't. A few hours of a little more hurt will pay off in the speed of your recovery.
Now these are general guidelines! We're all unique, and our injuries are unique. If the injury is bad, get to your doctor! Don't be a martyr to your pain.
Stay well~

Sunday, February 9, 2014

snow shoveling and your back

Winter. Snow. That means shoveling. And this winter, on the east coast at least, there is a LOT of shoveling.
Treat shoveling as you would a workout. Warm up before you head out. Warming up means move your joints around (big arm circles for your shoulders; "hula hoops" for your hips).
Stretch the muscles. Do some butt kicks. Touch your toes (or try to!) Do some back bends.
Once outside, lift small batches of snow, and use your legs to heave the pile to its ultimate location (preferably Florida).
Take breaks and stretch.
Once inside, stretch again.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


You're overweight. Maybe a little, maybe a lot.  If you need/want to lose over 20 pounds, it can be difficult. Like I need to tell you that, right? You may have tried dieting.... and gained back any weight you lost, plus a little extra. You may have given up, thinking you'll never be your "ideal weight", whatever that is for you.
You won't go to the gym because that's not a place for our of shape, overweight people. You feel like everyone's eyes are glaring at you, daring you to last 10 minutes.

So why even try anymore?

Does this sound a little like you? The fact that I'm writing this in a blog, should indicate that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Many, many people go through this same cycle.
For some people, having surgery is, they believe, the answer.  But if you haven't addressed the underlying cause of your weight gain, if you haven't gotten deep into the root of the problem, even surgery won't help.  It's a short-term fix to a long-term problem.

So.... what's the answer? What's the magic bullet? What's the key to losing the weight once and for all? If you believe the magazines that show photo-shopped models on their covers, in their slinky bikinis, then all you have to do is exercise daily and "eat right". Sounds easy, right?
I got news for you~ and the publishers don't want you to know this, otherwise their magazines won't sell~ there is NO magic bullet. There is no 'key'. Everyone reading this has a different reason for their weight gain, and your solution will be as unique as you.

I would invite you to first seek counseling at a weight-loss clinic; people who specialize in getting to the root of your underlying issues. Forget doctors! They are there to bandage your booboo's. They really don't know much about weight loss, nutrition, or the psychology of it all (but they'll sure try to counsel you and take your money!)

If ou need some suggestions on where to go, please contact me. You need partners in getting your health back on track~ you don't have to go it alone.

To your health, Linda

Friday, January 10, 2014


Do you eat breakfast? Like the old cliche` states, it's the most important meal of the day. Why? Because the night before, after dinner, you start burning off those calories. Even sleeping, you're burning calories.
You get up in the morning, and if you don't eat, you continue burning calories. And if there's nothing in your stomach, those calories come from your own body. To maintain brain and muscle (heart) function, your body will cannibalize from your muscle tissue to create energy (aka food) for your vital organs. Yuk!
So eating a healthy (protein, fats and complex carbs) breakfast, breaks your 'fast', and gives your body the energy to function like a well-oiled machine.
Avoid bagels (unhealthy on soooooo many levels!), and use fats such as olive oil or coconut oil (to saute  your eggs). Be careful with breakfast meats - they tend to b packed with sodium.
If you want to know more about what and when to eat, schedule a nutritional session with me ~ we'll get you eating healthier, and feeling better!