Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ugly Bags of Mostly Water

That's a line from an old Star Trek: TNG episode. An alien species that was all light, saw us humans as bags of water.
That alien wasn't far from the truth. Our brains are 85% water. Our bodies water content varies with age. As we age, there is less (another good reason to stay hydrated!). It's anywhere from 50-80%.
I could go on and on and on about the benefits of drinking water, but I leave you to do your own research. I'm here today to tell you to start drinking MORE. Chances are, you're not drinking enough. About half your body weight in ounces. So if you're 150 pounds, about 75 ounces f water should be drunk daily. So, honestly..... are you drinking enough?
I begin each morning with a cup of water, yes, even before my morning coffee. It has become habit, as it will with you, once you start.
It may be hard at firt, so start with just a half cup. Next week, add another 1/4 cup. until you're up to a full 8 oz in the morning.
And what' nice about this is that with that first cup drunk, you have even fewer glasses to drink the rest of the day!
Happy New Year! I'll drink to your health :-))

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